Learning and Support Program
Anzac Park Public School is committed to providing proactive Learning and Support for all our students and teachers. Our shared vision is that students of all abilities can reach their learning goals within an inclusive and supportive school environment. This is achieved through a collaborative approach to meeting individual student needs.
Our Learning and Support Team coordinate, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate support provisions for students with additional learning needs and their teachers.
The Learning and Support Team members are:
- Unity Taylor-Hill - Principal
- Amy Sackville - Deputy Principa
- Renee Vandenberg- Acting Assistant Principal- Inclusive Education
- Lincoln Comans- School Counsellor
- Katrina Calverley- English as an Additional Language/Dialect Teacher
- Simone Hirsch - Learning and Support Teacher (LaST)
Students with additional needs are identified according to Learning and Support Team procedures. Teachers, executive and the Learning and Support Team analyse and review data collaboratively to ensure that effective, evidence based support is established. The Learning and Support Team meets weekly as well as offering direct support to teachers and students through consultation and in class provisions.
Our Learning and Support Teacher Simone Hirsch consults and works directly with teachers to support students as well as running specific intervention programs. Parents and community members are welcome to meet with Simone who can also provide strategies and research regarding students with additional learning needs.
Every student at our school is valued and we are committed to providing a collaborative, supportive learning environment to meet individual learning needs.
For further information regarding the process of Learning and Support, access the policy via the link below.
Learning & Support Policy & Procedures: https://spark.adobe.com/page/yRpeFXyB2VLsF/